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Functional Rhinoplasty


Rhinoplasty is a procedure that involves the reshaping of the external nose for both functional and cosmetic improvement. Unlike some less complex surgical procedures, successful results are dependent upon a detailed discussion between the patient and the surgeon with regards to desired and possible outcomes.


Functional Rhinoplasty: Total Nasal Reconstruction

After your preliminary consultation, you will have a good idea of the potential result. Dr. Seicshnaydre has performed more than 150 of these procedures with great results, and he continues to attend courses to fine tune the difficult techniques required for an exemplary outcome. Please read and follow all the post-op instructions for the best results. With that being said, specific results cannot always be 100 percent guaranteed. Outcomes are subject to any person’s unique tissues, including skin thickness, airway size, genetics, exposures, and general health.


Pre-Operative Instructions

Smoking has been associated with poor skin healing and a poor surgical outcome. Please discontinue smoking for at least two weeks prior to surgery and for three to four weeks following the operation. Photographs are taken before your surgery in order to study the nose and the face, as well as to meticulously plan the surgery, and finally to use during the procedure.


Procedure Details

An incision will be made on the columella of your nose, and just inside of both nostrils, in order to obtain access to the nasal structures for surgical corrections. The length of surgery will vary, but it is usually about two hours. Upon completion, a small cast is applied to the nose. Ice compresses will be placed over the eyes to minimize swelling. You will stay at the surgical facility for approximately four hours following the surgery. If possible, it is best to wear loose, comfortable clothing.


What to Expect After Surgery

The amount of swelling varies from person to person. Sometimes the swelling and discoloration become pronounced around the eyes. This is generally worse when you first wake up in the morning. It is not serious, nor an indication that something went wrong with your operation. The post-op swelling will subside as your face heals. You can help the swelling subside and speed the healing process by following the post-operative instruction sheet below. Please read through it thoroughly with whoever will be helping you after the surgery.


Post-op Instructions: Functional/Cosmetic Rhinoplasty

1. Stay sitting up or standing as much as you possibly can. This is the most beneficial thing that you can do to reduce swelling quickly, as well as experience less discomfort.

2. Avoid bending over or lifting anything heavy for two weeks.

3. Good nutrition is important in aiding the healing process. Please remember to eat healthy, nourishing foods during your recovery time.

4. Avoid foods that require hard chewing (steak, bagels, po-boys, etc.) for two weeks. Along with that, do not chew gum for two weeks.

5. Avoid sneezing for the first three weeks. If you have to sneeze, let it come out through the mouth.

6. Avoid grinning or smiling for one week.

7. Avoid pulling the upper lip down as women do when applying lipstick.

8. If your lips become dry, it is okay use oil or lipstick on them. Just be sure to apply gently for the first two weeks.

9. Avoid alcoholic beverages until four days after the surgery.

10. It is okay to shower from the neck down, and handwash your face and hair. Be sure to keep your cast dry.

11. The nose may be cleaned with cleansing cream after all of the dressings are removed, as gently as possible without pressing on or pulling the skin.

12. To camouflage discoloration, if present under the eyes, use thick, lotion-type makeup.

13. Avoid swimming, going to the gym, or any other strenuous athletic activity until your physician gives you permission.

14. For one week, wear clothing that fastens either in the front or back rather than the type that must be pulled over the head.

15. Do not blow your nose at all for six weeks post-surgery.

16. Your nose is supposed to be stuffy for a while. Continue to use the medications that you bring home from the surgical facility as directed until you’ve finished your prescription.

17. Sleep with your head elevated 45 degrees. This can be done preferably in a recliner if you have one.

18. Do not constantly rub the nostrils and base of your nose with a tissue or a handkerchief. This will aggravate the swelling, and it may cause infection or bleeding. This frequently causes the accumulation of scar tissue inside the nose and can affect long-term success. It is much better to use a small moustache-type dressing if necessary. This may be discontinued after drainage has stopped.

19. Avoid hitting or bumping your new nose. It is wise to avoid picking up small children, and you should sleep alone for two weeks after your surgery to avoid any accidental bumps or pressure as you heal.

20. Avoid heavy sniffing and forcibly attempting to pull air through the nose. It only creates a suction inside the nose and causes further swelling.

21. It is not unusual for a person to experience weakness, palpitations, break out in cold sweats, or feel dizzy after having an anesthetic or any type of operation. If you experience any of these symptoms, please report it to our clinic.

22. Do not take any aspirin or aspirin products for two weeks after surgery.

23. Report any of the following conditions immediately:

  • Any excessive pain

  • Any rise in temperature above 101 degrees

  • Any injury to your nose

  • Any significant bleeding

  • Any loss in quality of vision

24. It is important that you do not get sun on the tip of your nose for the next 12 months. Post-op pictures are not taken for 12 months because a small amount of swelling stays in the tip of your nose for that long. A sunburn will delay reduction of the swelling, and it could actually have an effect on the long-term outcome of your procedure.


If you have any questions, please call the clinic at (228) 864-0828 for further assistance, and be sure that you ask to speak with the nurse.


We have recently launched our new Patient Portal to better communicate between you and our office during busy business hours.You must be a patient of Gulf Coast Rhinoplasty and are required to have a username and password.


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