Minimal Pain Tonsillectomy
Imagine recovering from tonsillectomy with little pain. The primary reason patients suffer while recovering from tonsillectomy surgery is pain, made worse by poor nutrition, and the resultant dehydration during the first 7 to 10 days after surgery.
Every few years, another approach to tonsillectomy, using a new technique or piece of equipment is studied and tested in university, only to find little to no improvement on pain after tonsillectomy.
In the fall of 2001, I began a new technique that unlike the standard tonsillectomy, doesn’t remove any of the soft palate adjacent to the tonsils. Based on the nerve anatomy to this area, fewer nerves are cut, so there is less pain with this technique.
After using this technique for over 12 years, and hearing from patients, caregivers and parents about how little pain their child had after tonsil surgery, I’m convinced of the benefit and feel I must pass this technique on to you, and your friends.
As always, nutrition and hydration are the most important factors in healing after tonsillectomy. The minimal pain with this technique allows better nutrition, hydration and a faster recovery.
Ask my Nurse, or myself, if you have any questions about this procedure. I welcome you to share this information with others so they may benefit from this approach to tonsil surgery.
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